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e3m Connector - Software Data Connector

An e3m Software Data Connector is a software service used to integrate the system with existing software systems on site. In this way, meter readings and alerts from building or process management systems can be picked up immediately and transmitted to the e3m Data Centre.

The e3m Software Data Connector is used when data is already available on a PC-based system. The e3m Software Data Connector can be used alternatively or in addition to the e3m boxes.

e3m Connector logo

Features / modules:

  • supports alarms and data points
  • data point filter
  • bundled data transmission
  • scalable
  • data buffer if connection fails
e3m Connector SDC

Data transmission

The e3m Connector communicates via a TCP/IP connection with the e3m Data Center. The transmission of measured values is bundled (typically 1 x daily), the transmission of alarms carried out immediately when an alarm occurs.

  • TCP/IP connection
  • encrypted via SSL-VPN connection


  • SCADA Systems (Wizcon/ControlMaestro/...)
  • OPC-Server
  • ODBC / SQL
  • Others on request