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e3m Connector

e3m Connector is a software service used to integrate the system with existing software systems on site. In this way, meter readings and alerts from building or process management systems can be picked up immediately and transmitted to the e3m Data Centre.
A distinction is made between the Software Data Connector (SDC) and data import interfaces.

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Software Data Connector

A Software Data Connector is a software service installed onsite in the real estate and facilities to connect existing software systems. Typical applications for the use of Software Data Connectors are SCADA systems, building management system or database system.

Please find more information about Software Data Connectors here.

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Data Import Interface

The Data Import Interface allows you to import data in the form of files in the e3m Data Center. A typical application for the use of this kind of interfaces is the transfer of consumption data on a file level, manually or via e-mail.

Please find more information about Data Import Interfaces here.