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Your motivation

There are many reasons to introduce an energy management system in a company. Basically, we distinguish 4 motivational areas:

  • Reduce costs
  • Legal guidelines
  • Ecology
  • Image

Often the decision for the introduction of an energy management system is effected with several of these factors:

Heads for e3m motivations

Reduce costs

Energy is becoming more and more expensive. Whether in industrial companies or in the department store chain with 1,000 stores: Alone with an increase in sales are the rising energy costs no longer to absorb. And also the local authorities are due to chronic lack of funds forced to monitor their properties energetically, to track improve- ment and to distribute the cost to the users.


"We have not inherited this planet from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" is an Indian wisdom and truth that one can not formulate better. We take responsibility for this planet, for the exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of air and water. And however the required energy is generated, the environmentally-friendly of all is and remains the saved energy.


Many companies that offer goods or services see the introduction of an energy management system not just the cost savings and environmental protection. They use their engagement to actively promote their products. With a continuously rising energy and environmental aware- ness of consumers, the evidence of especially energy- efficient production of goods is a significant competitive advantage.

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Legal Requirements

On 01.8.2012, the German Federal Government adopted a bill to make the introduction of an energy management system (EnMS) a legal requirement for any businesses that, as previously, wished to benefit from the so-called "tax cap" in accordance with §55 German Energy Tax Act (Energiesteuergesetz) and §10 German Electricity Tax Act (Stromsteuergesetz). At the same time the German Federal Government came to an agreement with the central organisations of German business to markedly increase energy efficiency in the manufacturing industry.

Go to DIN EN ISO 50001