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Your Benefits

Only someone who knows exactly its energy con-sumption is able to save effectively based on targeted analysis and to invest future-proof. It is at this point, the active energy management system e3m that offers, among other things, the following advantages:

Energy conservation plan and calculator

  • Transparency in energy consumption and costs
    Get an accurate picture of your energy consumption and their causes. Access to your centrally maintained energy data via modern web technology, always and everywhere.
  • Energy cost processing
    It’s your choice to place the calculated energy costs to the corresponding cost centers or to transfer them automatically to systems in the areas of energy procurement and facility management.
  • Reduction of energy costs
    The accurate energy balance of your properties and processes shows impressively the optimization potential. Improve sustainable on this basis your supply chain and your technical infrastructure.
  • Environmental protection
    Reduce your CO2 emissions to a minimum and pro- vide the basis for a responsible and careful use of environmental resources. Compare your key figures with the legal requirements and start the foundation for your certification.
  • Investment protection / management audit
    Use the energy management system e3m for sustainability analysis of energetic efficiency meas- ures and investments made in this context. Use the results from analysis and benchmark for the selection of future technologies and suppliers.
  • Improved image your organization
    Meet high level of environmental standards and associated environmental requirements on time and in full. Indicate your responsibility for your environment to customers and target markets.
  • Early detection of anomalies in consumption
    Conspicuous consumption of energy and raw mat- erials are promptly identified and monitored centrally. Fast signaling, as part of a service organization can help to keep the damage minimal, and in time to interact.
  • Fast ROI
    Take advantage of the short payback period of e3m in order to lower your energy costs for the long term. Permanent cost reduction frees up resources for other investments and creates more financial leeway.