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Active Energy Management
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Around the subject Energy Management are various terms such as "Energy Management", "Energy Controling" and "Energy Monitoring". An exact definition is difficult as there exist different definitions of terms and on the other hand the defintion of the terms are quite abstract.

Definitions for Energy Management in language use have a bandwidth of basic systems for consumption data acquisition (= a piece of hardware) up to complex management processes (all departments within a company and related processes, standards, technologies, etc.).

Related to the term "Energy Management" are the words "Energy Monitoring" and "Energy Controlling ". Sometimes these are defined as a subset and/or data source for an Energy Management. Whereby "Energy Monitoring" focuses mostly on the acquisition of data, with "Energy Controlling" the analysis is usually more in focus.

Definitions of energy management:

  • "Set of interrelated or interdependent elements of an organization related to the creation of an energy policy and strategic objectives to achieve these goals."
    (Source: DIN-EN-16001)
  • “All the management functions that are required to perform the process of energy- supply, -distribution and -consumption in the building in regards to the cost as low as possible."
    (Source: GEFMA 124-1)
  • Energy management is an appropriate tool for the reduction of energy consumption and costs and a systematic long-term anchor in the company. The aim of an energy management is to reduce the use of energy in a company - from purchasing to energy consumption - to improve it economically and ecologically.
    (Source: DENA)
  • "Forward-looking, organized and systematized production, distribution and use of energy from an ecological and an economic objective."
    (Source: Workgroup Energy applications of the VDI)
  • "Lead People to respect the environment in a dynamic analysis, decisionmaking and communication process so that objectives (efficient energy supply and use) through well planned, organized and controlled behavior (economies) can be achieved."
    (Source: Committee for Management Development in Europe)
  • "Corporate Energy Management is the economies of energy in the company, starting with the energy production and operation through energy efficient production to manufacture an economic product."
    (Source: Prof. Dr. Habil. B. Schieferdecker, TU Cottbus)

Definitions of 'energy controlling':

  • "Application of methods of controlling the operation phase of the process of energy supply, distribution and consumption in the building. Basic component of the energy controlling is the monitoring of consumption values, consumption indicators and costs. At the core of energy controlling a permanent variance comparison is to perform."
    (Source: GEFMA 124-1)
  • Energy Controlling means continuous monitoring (with the help of energy accounting), reviewing (with the help of benchmarking) the use of energy and provide feedback to the relevant authorities (decision makers, system operators, users, etc.) to decide in consequence, whether and what energysaving measures are necessary.
    (Source: Energy Accounting Guide, OPET)
  • "The aim of energy controlling is to limite by continuous observation of appropriate variables the energy consumption. The consumption target depends on the intensity of usage of a building- and the plant- quality. In the selection and inclusion of appropriate measures it is basically to differenciate between the consumption and production data controlling. Controlling the consumption data can capture the energy consumption both manually and automatically. When controlling the operating data significant process data are selected on which the operation can be evaluated immediately. For simple buildings with little technicalization the room temperatures and the temperatures and parameters of the heating and ventilation system are.taken."
    (Source: Wikipedia)

Definitions 'energy monitoring':

  • "Collecting data, information, and conditions by observing, monitoring of an operation or process. Monitoring is also part of the energy controlling "
    (Source: GEFMA 124-1)